Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Spicy and Sweet Art from the Street

I have a thing for intelligence [quoted best by. Sugar]

The closer we get to change the closer we get to judgement Day.[quoted by. my heart]

Is everything peachy sweet or lemon sour?.[huh]-this is a question not a quote

I dnt think god gives a fuck.[quoted by. Mickey Rose]

All day i dream about sex.[mind sex is whn i stick my favorite bible scripture in your ear and expect yu to like it love it and live your life by it.]

I have a little dick but a big tommy gun.WHOS BOSS!

Racism is still alive i here it breathing![another Mickey Rose quote]-4ya.

Spicy,Sweet,art from the street.

Fell for yu hard izzy.
sugar is mmmmmmmm mmmmm good its better in coffee though.[fjk]
trust me this isnt the last post on these [ladies stay tuned theres more to come.winters around the corner]-and they alwys bring the fire.(check out there blogspot///



LBC-Bellflower natives- Great minds think of sex artistically "quoted by. Mickey Rose"

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